The show is full of magical colour changes and dry ice fog.
Dressed in our magical science costumes we set the scene with rhyming instructions from the potions book:
a sleeping potion is in this flask
how shall we wake it I hear you ask!
a quick shake of the bottle turns the clear liquid bright pink!
These test tubes are filled with a liquid that's clear
add the green magic and watch colours appear
a rainbow of giant testubes coloured with universal indicator
And so the show continued with disappearing magic wand and black cat ( made from polystyrene and dunked into acetone) and an umbrella that changes colour when wet.
Then Helen created a huge fireball with milk powder and we set off the whoosh bottle.
The finale was all dry ice - cauldrons of fog, crystal ball bubbles and lids popping all over the place.
It went well.
We squeezed in a short hands on session with reception before we did it all again for KS1In the afternoon we worked with year 3 and then year 4 letting them get up close with some of the colour change kit - heat sensitive paper and colour change straws and finally decked in gloves and safety glasses everyone got very close with the dry ice making banana smelling fog and blowing up some of the gloves with carbon dioxide gas.
a quick update: just look at the awe and wonder in the faces of these two young ladies
this is why we do our job