This is a long and busy term - getting to know new pupils and getting up to speed after a long break; working out new plans especially with the new primary science curriculum for teachers in England and the ever present question about resources.
This month our electronic newsletter concentrates on what the larger institutions and associations have produced to help.
There are some great links so for those of you who have not signed up to our mailing list, here are just a few from The Science Spot...have fun
You don't have to be a member to access many of the resources on this site. Keep your eye out for the regional conferences which are great for picking up ideas. We usually do a guest spot at the NW conference in March which will be at MMU
This is a fascinating website full of resources and if you drop on the public engagement tab you will find resources info and details of events and school visits, many of them FREE. You can also get posters, brochures and teaching packs which are beautifully produced. Their A1 posters are so glossy and make super displays. This link takes you to a great one for primary ( but also good for transition) which you could download but I would send off for the glossy one.
The BA has a vast archive of resources from previous NSEW booklets to videos and lessons plans. If you are into CREST awards this is the place for you.
You will find all the information about NSEW whch has a new name and logo - BRITISH SCIENCE WEEK. dates are announced here and themes or ideas. It is one of our bookmarked site of course!
The RSC website has a huge number of resources for primary and secondary - you do sometimes have to hunt around but it is well worth doing!
There is also a dedicated section for teachers TalkChemistry
where you will find lesson plans and videos including our own Primary Science clips. You don't need to be an RSC member but you will need to register ( FREE) with the website to access some.
STEMNET is a great organisation and your local contract holder will have details of all the events in your area.
Check out the national site and have your local site bookmarked.
We work with Cheshire and MerseySTEM ( all run by the same group) and they have so many events including the Chemistry@work days and for the next few years they will be running the BIG BANG at Aintree. They can put you in contact with STEM ambassadors who offer their time for free and also companies who might be able to help you deliver inspiring science linked to industry.
Make use of what is out there - much of it is FREE and will save you lots of time.
Have fun!
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